Manfred Boltze, Technische University Darmstadt, Germany

Manfred Boltze is professor for Transport Planning and Traffic Engineering at Technische Universität Darmstadt (Germany) since 1997. He studied civil engineering and received a doctor degree for his work on traffic signal control in 1988. His research covers a broad range of traffic and transport related topics, such as planning methodology, traffic management, Intelligent Transport Systems, road traffic signals, traffic safety, and transport and health. 33 doctoral students and about 190 Diploma and Master students graduated under his supervision. 190 publications, memberships in editorial boards and advisory boards, and many other activities indicate his comprehensive commitment to promote research and education in his discipline. In the World Conference on Transport Research Society, he joins the Steering Committee since 2013, and he was Chairman of the Scientific Committee for WCTR 2016 Shanghai.
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