15th World Conference on Transport Research
26-31 May 2019 | Mumbai, India
The 15th WCTR conference will be held at the Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, India, during 26-31 May 2019. IIT Bombay is one of the premier institutes in India, established for the development of technical education in the country. For the last 40 years, WCTR has been organised every three years by the WCTR Society. The conference aims to bring together academics, practitioners, managers, and policymakers from all parts of the world, to share cutting-edge research and advanced state-of-practice. The conference also includes special sessions, technical tours, an exhibition and social events. This knowledge event provides a unique opportunity for experts to exchange ideas in all areas of transport research.
To facilitate the interchange of ideas between researchers working in the same area, WCTR has structured the topics into nine categories with a total of 35 session tracks. For many session tracks a close cooperation with partner journals is announced (with more to follow shortly), so that the best papers from the review track are expected to be published in leading peer-reviewed transportation journals after the Conference.
Conference topics are as follows:
A. Transport Modes: General
- A1 Air Transport and Airports
- A2 Maritime Transport and Ports
- A3 Rail Transport
- A4 Road Transport - General
B. Freight Transport and Logistics
- B1 Logistics and Supply Chain Management
- B2 Humanitarian Logistics in Disasters
- B3 Intermodal Freight Transport
- B4 Urban Goods Movement
- B5 Freight Transport Modeling
C. Traffic Management, Operations, and Safety
- C1 Traffic Theory and Modelling
- C2 Urban Transport Operations
- C3 Intelligent Transport Systems
- C4 Traffic Safety Analysis and Policy
D. Activity and Transport Demand
- D1 Data Collection and Processing Methods
- D2 Travel Behaviour and Choice Modeling
- D3 Applications of Travel Behaviour Analysis and Demand Modeling Approaches
- D4 ICT, Activities, Time Use and Travel Demand
E. Transport Economics and Finance
- E1 Transport System Analysis and Economic Evaluation
- E2 Transport Pricing and Economic Regulation
F. Transport, Land Use, and Sustainability
- F1 Transport and Spatial Development
- F2 Transport, Climate Change, and Clean Air
- F3 Smart Transport, Smart City, and Quality of Life
- F4 Livability and Non-Motorized Transport
- F5 Transport Noise and Vibration Control
G. Transport Planning and Policy
- G1 Governance and Decision-making Processes
- G2 National and Regional Transport Planning and Policy
- G3 Urban Transport Planning and Policy
- G4 Cultural and Social Issues in Transport
- G5 Disaster Resilience in Transport
- G6 Health Impacts of Transport
H. Transport in Developing and Emerging Countries
- H1 Transport Policy, Planning, and Financing in Developing Countries
- H2 Infrastructure Operation and Traffic Management in Developing Countries
- H5 Urban Transport in Developing Countries
I. Infrastructure Design and Maintenance
- I1 Highway Design and Materials
- I2 Infrastructure Management
WCTRS-Y (Young Researcher’s Conference) – 26 May 2019
WCTRS-Y is being organised with the sole aim of encouraging young researchers to get a hands-on experience in the working of the society, to interact and learn from their seniors, and renovate the society with their stimulating thoughts. Find out more here.
President of WCTRS
- Yoshitsugu Hayashi, Chubu University, Japan
Secretary General of WCTRS
- Greg Marsden,University of Leeds, UK
Conference Director
- Krishna Rao, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, India
Scientific Committee
- Lori Tavasszy, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands (Chairman)
- Hideki Nakamura, Nagoya University, Japan (Vice Chair: SIGs)
- Sergio Jara-Diaz, Universidad de Chile, Chile (Vice Chair: Prizes)
- Ashish Verma, Indian Institute of Science Bangalore, India (Vice Chair: Conference)
- Fusun Ulengin, Sabanci University, Turkey (Vice Chair: Publications)
- Gopal Patil, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, India (Chair: Programme Committee)
- Nasim Akhtar, CSIR-CRRI, India
- Wael Alhajyaseen, Qatar University, Qatar
- Maria Attard, University of Malta, Malta
- Eran Ben-Elia, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel
- Kirti Bhandari, CSIR-CRRI, India
- Ashish Bhaskar, Queensland University of Technology, Australia
- Chandra Bhat, University of Texas, USA
- Manfred Boltze, Technische Universitaet Darmstadt, Germany
- Patrick Bonnel, Laboratoired’Economie des Transports, France
- Michael Browne, University of Gothenburg, Sweden
- Edward Chung, Queensland University of Technology, Australia
- Anthony D. May, University of Leeds, United Kingdom
- Laetitia DaBlanc, University of Paris-East, France
- Martin Dresner, University of Maryland, USA
- Ralf Elbert, Technische Universitaet Darmstadt, Germany
- Guenter Emberger, University of Technology Vienna, Austria
- Hanno Friedrich, Kuehne Logistics University, Germany
- Stephen G. Ison, Loughborough University, United Kingdom
- Anne Goodchild, University of Washington, USA
- Shinya Hanaoka, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
- Eva Heinen, University of Leeds, United Kingdom
- Patrick Jochem, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
- Haneen Khreis, Texas A&M Transportation Institute, USA
- Masanobu Kii,, Kagawa University, Japan
- Meng Li, Tsinghua University, China
- Ye Li, Tongji University, China
- Keping Li, Tongji University, China
- Huapu Lu, Tsinghua University, China
- Karen Lucas, University of Leeds, United Kingdom
- Bhargab Maitra, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, India
- Qiang Meng, National University of Singapore, Singapore
- Kazuaki Miyamoto,Tokyo City University, Japan
- Chikage Miyoshi,Cranfield University, United Kingdom
- Rolf Moeckel,Technische Universitaet Muenchen, Germany
- Jason Monios, Edinburgh Napier University, UK
- Enrico Musso, University of Genoa, Italy
- Kazuki Nakamura, Nagoya University, Japan
- Wei-Shuen Ng, ITF-OECD, France
- Haixiao Pan, Tongji University, China
- Maja Piecyk, University of Westminster, UK
- Marco Ponti, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
- John Preston, University of Southampton, United Kingdom
- Charles Raux, Universitè de Lyon, France
- Louise Reardon, ITS Leeds, UK
- Binyam Reja, World Bank, China
- Georgina Santos, Cardiff University, United Kingdom
- Yoram Shiftan, Technion – Israel Institute of Technology, Israel
- Gunnar Stefansson, Chalmers, Sweden
- Antti Talvitie, Aalto University, Finland
- Keshuang Tang, Tongji University, Asia
- Eiichi Taniguchi, Kyoto University, Japan
- Zong Tian, University of Nevada at Reno, USA
- Geetam Tiwari, Indian Institute of Technology Dehli, India
- Thierry Vanelslander, University of Antwerp, Belgium
- Varameth Vichiensan, Kasetsart University, Thailand
- Johan Woxenius, University of Gothenburg, Sweden