General Proceedings of the conference, which will include all papers (reviewed and non-reviewed), will be available online to conference participants and WCTRS members.
For many session tracks a close cooperation with related journals is being worked out, so that the best papers are expected to be published in peer-reviewed journals after the Conference. For all other successfully reviewed conference papers, the intention is that a Selected Proceedings will be published. It is hoped that as for WCTR 2016, the Selected Proceedings will appear as a volume of Transportation Research Procedia. We will update this page when this is confirmed.

What is Transportation Research Procedia?
Transportation Research Procedia is an e-only product focused entirely on publishing high quality conference proceedings. Transportation Research Procedia enables fast dissemination so conference delegates can publish their papers in a dedicated online issue on ScienceDirect, which will then be made freely available worldwide. Conference proceedings are accepted for publication in the Transportation Research Procedia based on suitability of scope and are required to meet certain quality and ethical criteria, including the assurance that all papers are original work by the authors, will be subject to peer review and that the same paper will not be published elsewhere.
What does Transportation Research Procedia offer authors?
Transportation Research Procedia offers a high quality, well respected, global platform for conference papers to be hosted and accessed by an audience of millions of researchers. All proceedings appear online, on ScienceDirect, within 8 weeks of submission to the Publisher of the final manuscripts from the conference organizer and are integrated into the regular search functions of ScienceDirect and are freely available to all readers. Transportation Research Procedia offers authors a fast and cost effective way to provide maximum exposure for their papers. Templates (both Latex and Word) will be provided to assist in the publication and the final online papers will contain linked references, XML versions and DOI numbers.